all-on-4 implants lancaster tx

What does All-On-4 Implants signify?

Experience the All-On-4 procedure, also known as "Teeth in a Day," and transform your smile in just one day! This innovative treatment not only improves your smile but also effectively addresses dental concerns like decay, dental work complications, and fractured teeth.

Here are the benefits of this procedure:

  • Natural and aesthetically pleasing: It closely resembles the look and feel of natural teeth.
  • Permanent solution: It stays in your mouth without the need for removal, similar to a denture.
  • Immediate use: You can start using your dental implants right away, without long healing periods.
  • Enhanced taste: Unlike traditional dentures, there is no roof covering in your mouth, which improves your sense of taste.
  • Superior chewing capability: Among all the options for replacing a complete set of teeth, this procedure provides the highest level of chewing ability.
  • Specialized solution for limited bone: Suitable for individuals with insufficient bone for implants.
  • Elevate your food tasting experience to new heights!

Choose the All-On-4 procedure and enjoy a brand new smile in just one day!

The process is explained as follows:

At Royal Family Dentistry, our doctor has enhanced the traditional All-On-4 procedure to deliver exceptional results for our patients. We adopt a personalized approach, thoroughly assessing each case and tailoring the treatment to fit the patient's unique anatomy. Throughout the procedure, our doctor will implant four to six implants per arch and affix temporary fixed bridges while the implants fuse with the jawbones and the mouth heals. Once the healing process is complete, our doctor and lab technician will craft the final teeth using zirconia, a stronger and more natural-looking material compared to the acrylic denture teeth commonly used by other dental practices. Zirconia teeth are also more hygienic and resistant to staining, ensuring a longer lifespan and superior aesthetic compared to the acrylic/titanium hybrid bridges typically found elsewhere.

Can I be considered for eligibility?

Many patients, including those who have been informed of insufficient bone for dental implants, can still undergo the procedure. To optimize the use of the strongest bone and prevent interference with the sinuses, a combination of straight and angled implants will be utilized by your doctor. This approach typically eliminates the necessity for costly and time-consuming sinus augmentation bone grafts. Your doctor will evaluate if All-On-4, also known as "Teeth in a Day," is suitable for you during your complimentary consultation.


Absolutely! It is indeed possible. However, we kindly ask that you adhere to a soft diet for the 4-month healing period, even though your implants and teeth are securely in place from the start. What does this entail exactly? A helpful guideline is to only consume foods that can be easily cut with a plastic fork. This precaution is necessary because you are making a significant investment that could potentially last for many decades, if not your entire life. By following a softer diet during the healing period, you will enhance the successful integration of the implants into your bone and improve the chances of achieving the best long-term outcomes.
Our zirconia bridge is superior to traditional acrylic All-On-4 teeth in terms of strength and durability. It is essential to evaluate the quality of teeth offered by other dental practices, as acrylic denture teeth with a titanium bar can become stained and may need to be replaced every 5-10 years. Additionally, it is crucial to consider the associated costs, as some offices may initially charge for surgery and temporary teeth, but later require an additional $5,000-$15,000 for the final teeth.

All-On-4 Procedure Timeline:

The procedure typically lasts 4-6 hours, depending on whether you are treating one arch or both arches. Once the procedure is complete, temporary bridges will be securely attached to your new implants. These temporary bridges should be worn for 4 months to allow for proper healing and integration of the implants with your bone, as well as healing of your jaws and gums. This healing period is crucial to ensure a stable and long-lasting outcome before creating your final bridges. After the healing period, we will begin the process of making your final bridges. This will involve several appointments over a 5-6 week period, during which you will have the opportunity to collaborate with us in designing the smile you desire for your permanent teeth.


Mouth impressions:

Furthermore, we will integrate facial scanning and three-dimensional intraoral scanning methods to meticulously plan and fabricate your ultimate prosthesis, guaranteeing its precise alignment with your distinct facial characteristics and bone composition.



Restoring a smile necessitates a meticulous and exact dental restoration procedure. In order to establish a strong base, it may be necessary to extract teeth. Following that, implants are placed for stability and longevity. Interim bridges are used to provide temporary support and functionality. On average, the entire process takes approximately 4-7 hours, with a significant focus on ensuring the comfort of the patient. The ultimate goal is to provide a confident and long-lasting smile.


Post Op #1

Please ensure that you monitor your healing progress and provide us with your feedback. Our team is readily available to support you. If you have any inquiries or worries, please feel free to contact us without hesitation. Your well-being is of utmost importance to us, so kindly observe and document any observed changes. We value your trust in us for your healthcare needs.


Post Op #2

After 3 weeks from the procedure, the patient will have an appointment to remove the sutures and evaluate the healing progress. Typically, at this stage, the patient will be given permission to start using a water flosser or WaterPik.


Final Teeth Impressions

In just 4 months, the procedure has significantly enhanced physical health, overall well-being, and quality of life. Despite initial recovery challenges, the body's resilience exceeded expectations. Moreover, the procedure has had a positive impact on relationships and has enabled a more lively and satisfying lifestyle.


Try In

Once we have taken impressions, you should anticipate receiving a prototype of your final teeth within 5-10 days. In some cases, it may be necessary to have multiple wax try-ins. Our primary objective is to guarantee your utmost contentment with the wax try-ins before moving forward with the final production.


Seat Final Teeth

Once your approval is received, we will begin the process of preparing your bridge(s) for their final seating. This careful and detailed task typically takes 4-6 weeks to ensure flawless results. Our highly skilled technicians will construct your bridge(s) with utmost precision, utilizing durable materials. Throughout the process, we will keep you informed about the progress and any necessary adjustments. Although the wait may seem long, it will be well worth it. We will schedule a convenient appointment for the placement of your bridge(s), guaranteeing a perfect fit. You can trust us to deliver a stunning and long-lasting bridge that will exceed your expectations.

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