invisalign® dentist lancaster tx

Discreetly Straighten Your Smile

Countless adults and teenagers across the country have avoided seeking orthodontic treatment because they don’t want to be stuck wearing metal braces for years on end. Fortunately, braces are no longer the only way to fix crooked teeth! At Royal Family Dentistry, we offer a service that can straighten your smile the discreet way – Invisalign clear braces. As the name implies, these transparent trays align your teeth while being practically unnoticeable. Plus, they’re removable for added convenience. To learn more about how Invisalign in Lancaster, TX, can give you the straight smile you’ve always wanted, give our dental office a call today!

Explaining the Functioning of Invisalign

Invisalign is a solution for patients looking to rectify overbites, underbites, or generally misaligned teeth. It employs a system of transparent plastic aligners that fit over the teeth. Each pair of these trays is uniquely shaped to gradually straighten a specific part of your smile. Typically, each set is worn for approximately two weeks before moving on to the next one.

While these aligners can be removed, it's crucial for the effectiveness and speed of the treatment that they are worn for a minimum of 22 hours daily. Essentially, they should only be removed when eating, drinking anything other than plain water, and during oral hygiene routines.

What issues can Invisalign address?

Patients frequently discover, to their delight, that Invisalign is capable of correcting many of the same problems as traditional braces. For mild to moderate cases of certain issues, our doctors might suggest Invisalign as a solution.
  • Crowded Teeth: Teeth that are too closely packed can be harder to clean, leading to a higher risk of plaque and tartar accumulation. Invisalign can rectify this by aligning these teeth correctly, thereby simplifying and enhancing the effectiveness of brushing and flossing.
  • Gaps Between Teeth: If you're a patient who finds the spaces between your front teeth unappealing, don't worry. Your Lancaster dentist can create a personalized treatment plan using Invisalign to help smooth out those gaps and enhance your smile.
  • Bite Alignment: Invisalign can correct specific instances of overbite, underbite, crossbite, and open bite. By aligning your bite correctly, you can alleviate some stress on your jaw joints and decrease the likelihood of chronic teeth grinding and TMJ disorder.

The Advantages of Invisalign

Invisalign provides several advantages that are not available with traditional braces, such as:
  • The trays' transparent plastic is nearly invisible when worn on the teeth.
  • You can enjoy unrestricted eating and maintain your regular brushing and flossing routine, thanks to the removable nature of the trays.
  • Unlike metal brackets and wires, the trays' smooth material is unlikely to irritate your mouth's soft tissues.
  • Generally, Invisalign treatment duration is shorter compared to braces.
  • Additionally, your regular dental check-ups will take less time than they would with braces.

Invisalign FAQs

Invisalign is a pain-free orthodontic treatment due to its smooth plastic design, making it one of the most comfortable options available. Initially, you might feel a bit of soreness as you adjust to the Invisalign, but this discomfort will fade as you become accustomed to the treatment. Invisalign functions by gradually adjusting your teeth into the correct position using a series of transparent aligners. Each time you progress to the next aligner, you might feel some pressure, but this is a sign that the treatment is effective! To ease the initial adjustment period, you can use over-the-counter painkillers as instructed or apply a cold compress.

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